Work on your own, at your own pace, we provide you with the text book and access to the on-line learning platform where you answer the questions. We can provide you with the answers if you like as well. Self-study hours count as non-contact hours with Yoga Alliance.
Come dive into SOYA’s in-depth Yoga Philosophy studies!
Work at your own pace through the lessons online, with all text books provided and links to videos of various
Our Yoga Alliance Registered programs are suited for individuals looking for the most authentic, in-depth yoga teachings.
All lessons are eligible for continuing education credits with Yoga Alliance. Courses vary from 12 to 16 hours.

We can show you how to build a great lesson plan.

Learn about creating a niche market and putting on workshops and retreats.

From cells to glands to organs to muscles, you can become familiar with the body.

Learn how to take your knowledge of the muscles and nerves into your class.

How old is the Sanskrit language and where did it come from?

Did you know that most people only use about 10-15% of their lung capacity?

The bundle of five lessons cover techniques for the cleansing of the body, mind and spirit.

Check out this bundle of five lessons in the subtler aspects of yoga.

A study with five lessons covering the story of Krishna and Arjuna.

This is the youngest yogic text, and the source of all our asana practice.

This text is rich with beautiful selections drawn from the four Vedas; the oldest yogic texts known to us.

A study of the classic text with four lessons sharing Raja Yoga, the path of meditation.