The Secret of the Yoga Sutra, “Samadhi Pada”,
by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
A book review by Robert McConnell
Sutra 1:33
“Transparency of mind comes by embracing an attitude of friendliness, compassion, happiness, and non-judgment toward those who are happy, miserable, virtuous, and non-virtuous “
For those of us who have walked down the path of yoga, we find the answers to our questions appear before us (whether we consciously or unconsciously ask), and usually they appear in unexpected places.
Last fall Mugs and I were struggling with the actions of one of our neighbours. We really didn’t know how to react. We didn’t want to have emotions of dislike, fear or loathing, but his presence beside us was creating turmoil in our life.
Five months earlier I had begun reading the commentary on the first chapter of The Yoga Sutras by Pandit Rajamani Tigunait. As I delved into the book, I read this sutra and it changed our attitude toward our neighbour. It truly brought peace to ourselves and to the relationship with our neighbour, because despite what he had done, he still was hoping for our compassion.
Yoga SutraDue to the fact that this one sutra made such a large impact in my life, I started reading the book again from the beginning – this time with a pencil in hand and sticky notes to tag all the wonderful jewels that appeared on every page. I don’t tend to read a lot of yoga books, but when one captures me I embrace its teachings and allow them to become a part of my yoga and life.
It took me another 4 months of reading to get through the book. It gave me a winter of study and yoga practice, and I look so forward to sharing these learnings at the upcoming SOYA 300hr Teacher Training in God’s Mountain in April.
Pandit Rajmani Tignault is the spiritual leader of the Himalayan Institute which is where I have been studying yoga since 2012. Panditji is the author of 15 books based on Tantra, specific to the Sri Vidya Lineage.  He holds two doctorates, has studied under great yoga masters, and has acquired the siddhis (spiritual powers). His awareness of God came to him at an early age. His intellect, spirituality and whole being is what commands so much respect throughout the world and from myself.
This is a book that is written from the heart reflecting his years of training, experience and practice. He is sharing the techniques as he himself has learned them. As he says in the book, “I have strictly followed the guidelines Patanjali himself has set forth”.
Although I have read and studied other commentaries on the sutras before, none has ever changed my thoughts, feelings and practice as this one has. The depth and insight Panditji has shed on chapter one of the sutras is exceptional – I do believe I will be reading it many more times before chapter two comes out.
If you decide to read this book, make sure you have a pencil and sticky notes in hand. Take your time, reflect upon how his words relate to yourself, try the techniques he shares, and as Panditji says, “Remove the veil of darkness and allow your intrinsic luminosity to illuminate both your inner and outer worlds.”
DSC09973Bob McConnell is a 500hr yoga teacher (SOYA, HYI). He is a SOYA owner and graduate who has been practicing yoga since 2009, and following the Tantric teachings of Pandit Rajmani Tigunait since 2012. Bob will be teaching a six class series which includes meditations for the Ajna Chakra, at Breathe Yoga Studio in Sorrento, BC on Wednesdays 7:00 to 8:30 starting April 27th. Click here for more info.