The Chakra Energy system is a concept used by many different modalities and disciplines. These energetic portals or vortices are often thought of as access points to life energy in the body. Working with the Chakras is found in healing work around the world including, but certainly not limited to; Reiki (Japanese Energy Healing), Ayurveda (Yogic Life Science), Chinese Acupuncture, and others.
The general theory of the Chakra Energy System is about how its balance or imbalance can affect your life. Rediscovering the powerful jewels within will give you an opportunity to learn about and experience each of these energy centres on a much deeper level. For example, we can explore one chakra at a time, moving from the root of the body all the way up to the crown.
Muladhara Chakra (“Moo-laah-daah-rah”)
I am.
I am grounded. I am safe.
This chakra implies strongly rooted connections and the satisfaction of our survival needs. In fact, the translation of the Sanskrit word, Muladhara, means “root support”. Where would we be without the support of our tribe, our roots? Sometimes this is family, sometimes it is a group of like-minded people to whom you feel a great connection. Where in your life do you feel supported? Where in your life would you enjoy a little more support?
Svadhistana Chakra (“Ss-vaahd-eee-staah-naah”)
I feel.
I am happy. I am creative.
Your second chakra is located at the area of your sacrum at the back of your pelvis or lower belly beneath the belly button. In Sanskrit, Svadhistana means “dwelling place of the Self” or “one’s own abode”. This is the sweet spot for dreams, desires and creativity. When you are deeply immersed in an activity that resonates with your true Self, you often find yourself in that “zone” or “sweet spot” where nothing else exists. Where in your life would you like to add a little sweetness?
Manipura Chakra (“Mah-knee-poo-rah”)
I do.
I am connected to my emotions. I am confident.
Manipura in Sanskrit means “City of Jewels” or “Lustrous Gem”. This chakra relates to your ability to step forward in your life, committing with confidence to your path. This area provides fire for the body and supplies you with energy, vitality and strength. Is there an area of your life where you feel smaller or less adequate? Where do you feel strong and full of confidence? What is it that you need to step forward in all areas of your life with a greater sense of power and strength?
Anahata Chakra (“Ahh-naah-haa-taa”)
I love.
I feel love. I am open to giving and receiving love.
The Heart Chakra, Anahata, means “Unstuck Sound” or “Deep Inner Listening” in Sanskrit. This chakra has a lot to do with balance and harmony in your body and mind. It is the mediator between the lower three (earthly-oriented) chakras and the upper three (spiritually-oriented) chakras. This is where we feel love and compassion for ourselves and for others. What language do you use when you speak to yourself and when you speak about yourself? Is it compassionate and kind or is it hurtful and derogatory? How would you like to change the way you treat yourself?
Vishuddhi Chakra (“Vih-shoe-dhee”)
I speak.
I trust my inner voice. I express myself freely.
This chakra is connected to self-expression and the language we use. Vishuddhi in Sanskrit means “Purification” or “Extremely Pure”. It refers to the subtle obstructions that get in the way of us being able to understand our feelings and dreams and express those deeper truths. How easy is it for you to share your truth? Are you able to express your inner most thoughts and feelings, and can you do this with kindness as well as honesty?
Ajna Chakra (“Aahd-ja-naah”)
I see.
My mind, body and spirit are connected.
The Brow Centre is an area that often receives a lot of attention. This sixth chakra is connected to your intuition and wisdom, to the beginning of the understanding that you are not alone. Ajna in Sanskrit means “Beyond Wisdom” and our instinctual activities related to the “third eye” correspond. How willing are you to see the truth behind a given situation? Perception is everything – how wide is your lens and does that change with the natural fluctuations of your internal connection to body, mind and spirit?
Sahasrara Chakra (“Sah-Hass-rah-rah”)
I understand.
I am connected to spirit.
The Sanskrit translation for Sahasrara is “thousand-petaled” which implies a vast significance of this chakra. This is where you begin to feel that you are completely supported by your source, that you have a connection to the Divine that works for you and that this connection helps you to trust more than ever before. Is there anywhere in your life where you feel alone or unsupported? What does trust look like or feel like to you? How do you know when you are connected to something greater than yourself?
Heather 2 croppedHeather Thomas, E-RYT500, is a past lead trainer for SOYA yoga teacher training in Ft McMurray, AB. We will always be appreciative of her dedication to sharing the teachings of SOYA.