by Vanessa Ooms | Aug 19, 2017 | Asanas, Meditation and Pranayama, Yoga News, Yoga Philosophy
How can you benefit from Yoga? Offered from Natasha Scott, SOYA lead trainer. “If only there was something we could do to reduce stress, improve our mental and physical health and just make us feel better!!” “If only there was an ancient practice,...
by Vanessa Ooms | Aug 4, 2017 | Yoga News, Yoga Philosophy
LATVIA, and a Yoga Documentary in the Making By Marion (Mugs) McConnell I have wanted to go to Latvia since I met Dr. Harry (Hari) Dickman, my yoga teacher. He spoke so highly of the beauty of this country since it was his home prior to WWII. He was never able to...
by Vanessa Ooms | Mar 5, 2017 | Book Review, Musings From Mugs, Yoga News, Yoga Philosophy
Book Study Groups: Letters from the Yoga Masters Article by Cindy Szekely, E-RYT500, Lead Trainer for SOYA Every Wednesday evening in Mackenzie, BC, for the past several years I have had the wonderful opportunity to share yoga practices and teachings with an amazing...
by Mugs McConnell | Dec 6, 2016 | Musings From Mugs, Yoga News, Yoga Philosophy
Chanting the Sound of Om By Mugs McConnell, drawn from her book, Letters from the Yoga Masters: Teachings Revealed through Correspondence from Paramhansa Yogananda, Ramana Maharshi, Swami Sivananda and Others. Available online and in bookstores everywhere. In many...
by Mugs McConnell | Dec 6, 2016 | Musings From Mugs, Yoga News, Yoga Philosophy
Bob and I have been travelling this month in some remote areas of Northern BC. Aside from wanting to get out on the lakes with our paddleboards, we feel a deep connection with First Nations people and wanted to learn more of their history and spirituality. What we got...
by Vanessa Ooms | Dec 5, 2016 | Asanas, Yoga News, Yoga Philosophy
Yoga of Renovations by Kamala Wilkie, SOYA lead trainer, E-RYT500 I received word late August that my Purple Lotus Yoga studio lease wouldn’t be renewed. After the initial hurricane of emotions, I rolled up my sleeves & got to work finding us a new location and...
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