The Puja Ceremony by Marion (Mugs) McConnell There is one invisible, formless spirit called Brahman which manifests itself inside every living thing. Hindus believe in one God, and they worship God through the many forms of gods and goddesses known as deities. The...
YOGA IN LATVIA – A DOCUMENTARY IN THE MAKING by Mugs McConnell, SOYA, ERYT500 Next year will be Latvia’s 100th birthday. An inspiring group of yoga enthusiasts in this beautiful country have taken on the project of creating a documentary about the history of Yoga in...
THE CHAKRAS, A PATH TO THE SELF By Latika Pierrette Claude, SOYA, RYT500 Who am I? What is my purpose on this earth? These fundamental questions rarely come at a younger age when we feel ourselves immortals, life unfolding in front of our eyes like a never ending...
Swami Sivananda said “The paths are many but the truth is One”. I believe that it may take a few spiritual pathways to find the truth, but as long as one path is a platform for the next path, we don’t fall back but we keep going forward to that one Truth, that inner...
Friendship: Not Beyond Words, by Marion (Mugs) McConnell Have you ever had a friendship that was always there for you? Maybe they don’t live nearby, maybe they aren’t the same age or generation, but they are the best listeners the minute you reach out to them. Years...
How can you benefit from Yoga? Offered from Natasha Scott, SOYA lead trainer. “If only there was something we could do to reduce stress, improve our mental and physical health and just make us feel better!!” “If only there was an ancient practice,...
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