Japa, the repetition of sacred Sanskrit mantras with my mala beads, helps me to feel connected and keeps me more centered. Japa meditation with mantra is an ancient practice, and I have experienced how it has energetically changed the vibrations within and around me.
It is time to let go, to clean house both inside and out. Aparigraha is about letting go of our most cherished pain-producing beliefs. It is about the end of all attachment: letting go of our fears, letting go of our desires, becoming free. Rolf Gates A note from...
by Indu Arora, 2024 SOYA Annual Retreat special guest. Beauty is often limited and misconstrued as a combination of qualities—such as shape, color, or form—that pleases the aesthetic senses, (especially the sight) and often something that is limited to a gender or...
Pranayama is a Sanskrit word well known by those that are studious in their practice of yoga. It is the fourth limb in the eight limbs of yoga as laid out by Maharishi Patanjali, which we study in depth in the SOYA 200 hour yoga teacher training. In his ancient text,...
Article submitted by Hirdaya A wise teacher once asked his student, “What is your practice?” The student said, “I practise yoga, I meditate, I do pranayama, I read scriptures, I recite mantras.” The teacher replied, “No, that’s your lifestyle. What is your...
Article by SOYA lead trainer Terri McDermott E-RYT500, Spiritual/Life Coach, Teacher, Nurturer, Guide and Friend I recently left the theatre after seeing the highly publicized “Barbie” movie by request ofmy 13 year old granddaughter and her friend, who had all...
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