Cobra Pose Modified for Low Back Pain

Cobra Pose Modified for Low Back Pain

Bhujangasana: Cobra Pose Modified for Low Back Pain. Do you have difficulty with prone spinal extensions? Does your lower back tend to jam when you practice them?  If so, try out this pose out. In this variation of Cobra utilizing a blanket and strap, it can help to...


Many Sanskrit terms are used in yoga classes, from the names of yoga poses to the standard “Namaste” greeting to mantras. If you are confused, here are a few breakdowns for you… ASANA Asana means ‘seat of consciousness’ and as described in...
SOYA 25th Anniversary

SOYA 25th Anniversary

SOYA 25th Anniversary. Twenty-five Years of Memories – Dorothy Fizzell Twenty-five years with S.O.Y.A., with Mugs and Bob McConnell, with this amazing yoga!!  And actually, the connection has been much longer for me.  After graduating from university, I moved back to...

Soul of Mantra

The Soul of Mantra: A meditation on yes from The Radiance Sutras by Dr. Lorin Roche. Ask people, “What sounds do you make when you are feeling YES — when you taste or smell something utterly delicious, receive a perfect touch, or listen to music you love?” You’ll hear...
Cuba Yoga Adventure

Cuba Yoga Adventure

New Year & New Intention, Cultural Cuba Yoga Adventure Looking for a sacred way to begin 2020, spending some time with pranayama, meditation, and asana? Setting a new intention in a sacred space? Here is an opportunity to visit a country you may never have visited...
Wildly Devoted

Wildly Devoted

Be Wildly Devoted Written by Dr. Lorin Roche. Used with permission from A Meditation On Free-Flowing Love From The Radiance Sutras, A New Version Of The Vijnana Bhairava Tantra Love has many splendors and...