Spiritual Temple Tour of India

Spiritual Temple Tour of India

I can’t wait to return to India for a spiritual temple tour! I have been to India twice now and after each time I returned home, I said to myself, well, I can scratch that off my list of experiences.  But India calls you back to experience that deep stillness in your...
Ayahuasca as Medicine

Ayahuasca as Medicine

Ayahuasca and Tobacco have been used as medicine by the Shamans in the jungles of the Amazon for many years. As a yoga teacher and fellow yogi I would like to share my experience and my journey in healing this year in Ecuador. Bob McConnell RYT 500hr co-owner of SOYA....
Yoga in Latvia

Yoga in Latvia

YOGA IN LATVIA – A DOCUMENTARY IN THE MAKING   by Mugs McConnell, SOYA, ERYT500 Next year will be Latvia’s 100th birthday. An inspiring group of yoga enthusiasts in this beautiful country have taken on the project of creating a documentary about the history of Yoga in...
What is Anusara Yoga

What is Anusara Yoga

WHAT THE HECK IS ANUSARA YOGA? By Kamala Wilkie, E-RYT500, SOYA Lead Trainer, Anusara Inspired Teacher Kamala Wilkie is an extremely dedicated Anusara Inspired yoga teacher. For well over a decade she has been a Lead Trainer for SOYA in the Okanagan, sharing her love...


THE CHAKRAS, A PATH TO THE SELF By Latika Pierrette Claude, SOYA, RYT500 Who am I? What is my purpose on this earth? These fundamental questions rarely come at a younger age when we feel ourselves immortals, life unfolding in front of our eyes like a never ending...