Find Awareness

Close Your Eyes, Breathe and Find Awareness I am so grateful for the teachings of so many teachers before me and the lessons of the course I’ve recently begun! Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani of ICYER, is leading a year long program, Yoga Step by Step, created by...

Arohan and Awarohan

Arohan and Awarohan are two Psychic Passageways. Session 2 of the 20 Tantric Kriyas Last month I started us on a series of 20 Tantric Kriyas, with the first one being Viparita Karani Mudra. This month I will introduce you to a rotation of consciousness that is a...
Soul of Mantra

Soul of Mantra

The Soul of Mantra: A meditation on yes from The Radiance Sutras by Dr. Lorin Roche. Ask people, “What sounds do you make when you are feeling YES — when you taste or smell something utterly delicious, receive a perfect touch, or listen to music you love?” You’ll hear...


Affirmations as a Tool for Success Affirmations are powerful, but they are not magic. The Fairy Godmother doesn’t appear to transform our lives with a sparkly wand whenever things are tough, as most of us know. When we want to achieve something significant, for...