YOGA ON THE HIKING TRAIL: Part 5 – A Sadhana by Mugs McConnell
© Marion Mugs McConnell The Pacific Crest Trail is the highest, most scenic trail from Mexico to Canada. The Continental Divide Trail divides the continent with its mountain ranges, so rivers that flow from it to the west go into the Pacific Ocean, and rivers...
Sitting in Siddhasana
Siddhasana, also known as the Perfection Pose, is one of the postures of meditation recommended in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.

Utthan Kriya, Svarup Darshan, Linga Sanchalan, and Dhyana
The Four Final Kriyas (17-20) in this series of 20 Tantric Kriyas These last four kriyas blend together beautifully, so that is how I am introducing you to them. The first three are considered Dharana or concentration practices, and the final one moves us into Dhyana,...
Sushumna Darshan and Prana Ahuti
The 15th & 16th Kriyas in this series of 20 Tantric Kriyas As you can see by the thread of kriyas, we are really tapping into cognizing the major Chakras. In the last kriya we were trying to see the “light” of each chakra. This technique is to increase our...
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