Adaptable Yogi offers Adaptable Yoga

Adaptable Yogi offers Adaptable Yoga

Joshua Dueck teaches adaptable yoga. He was a freestyle skier and coach before he broke his back on a ski jump. Since then he has become a Gold and Silver medalist in several Paralympic games. He decided he wanted to become a certified yoga teacher, and after his...


Trikonasana: Triangle Pose, by Kamala Wilkie I was in my first yoga session ever and repeatedly experiencing the shock and “how did this happen?” inquiry of a stuck and limited body. At 24 I was scared and appalled at the Tin Man inner experience of my in-class...
Yoga for Children

Yoga for Children

Cats, Trees, and Bridges: Yoga for Children Maria Montessori, an Italian physician and educator best known for her philosophy of education, is quoted as saying, “The development of the mind comes through movement.” Yoga is movement, yoga uses imagination, yoga is...
Yoga for your Eyes

Yoga for your Eyes

Yoga for your eyes is important as we use our eyes throughout our days; for work and play.  Keeping them focused and fixed for long periods of time on a computer screen, a highway, the television or reading a book causes strain.  This also limits our peripheral...