YOGA ON THE HIKING TRAIL: A Sadhana by Mugs McConnell (Part 2)
Backpacking has been a great love of mine since childhood. As a child, my mother used to hike along the Dewdney trail to visit a family friend and...
YOGA ON THE HIKING TRAIL: A Sadhana by Mugs McConnell
Whether you hike 5000 kms or 50 kms, you can integrate your yoga sadhana (spiritual practices). Everyone needs to stop and rest numerous times a day so there is plenty of opportunity to meditate, breathe, and stretch out those muscles.
Which Goddess Are You?
Once you connect to a goddess, you will realize that certain of your traits, skills and talents are her manifestation, even her gifts. But more to the point: the goddess can give you access to part of yourself that are unfamiliar and helpful.
Six Kinds Of Yoga Asanas for Balancing the Body
A common denominator to the practice of hatha yoga is that there are six kinds of poses one should incorporate to achieve the balance and health of the body.
Natarajasana – Exploring The Lord of the Dance Pose
Natarajasasa, the Lord of the Dance Pose is a balance pose that represents Shiva’s dance of creation, preservation and transformation. We will learn...
Nataraja – The Power of the Lord of the Dance
There is much symbolism in the mythology of Nataraja. Nataraja is another name and form for Śhiva who performs the dance of the universe in its...
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