
Tadan Kriya

Tadan Kriya is the 9th Kriya in this series of 20 Tantric Kriyas.  This is the last of the 9 Pratyahara Kriyas. After this kriya we move into the...

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Manduki Kriya

Manduki Kriya is the 8th Kriya in this series of 20 Tantric Kriyas.  Manduki means “frog,” and kriya is “spiritual action or work.” This kriya takes...

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Maha Bheda

Maha Bheda is the 7th Kriya in this series of 20 Tantric Kriyas. Maha means “great,” and bheda is “separating” or “piercing”.  According to the...

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Maha Mudra

Maha Mudra is the 6th Kriya in this series of 20 Tantric Kriyas. Maha means “great,” and mudra is “seal.” According to the Hatha Yoga Pradipika,...

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