Sitting in Siddhasana
Siddhasana, also known as the Perfection Pose, is one of the postures of meditation recommended in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.

Quiet, Calm and Powerful Bhadrasana (the Butterfly Pose)
This classic yoga pose is known by many names. Bhadrasana, the Butterfly pose, and Baddha Konasana, the Bound Angle Pose. It is also known as Throne Pose, Cobbler’s Posture, and the Ankle Knee Pose. Try it today!

Perspective: Problems as Opportunities
In the Bhagavad Gita, the main human character Arjuna finds himself quailing at the future he sees before him. The Divine form of Krishna stands beside him and gives him the guidance he needs to face his life. Krishna shares the truth of Yoga with Arjuna. There is so...
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