Ambubhachi Day, June 25th

Ambubhachi Day, June 25th

On June 25th, 1959, Swami Shivananda Saraswati of Assam, in Bengal, wrote a letter to my teacher Hari about a special day. June 25th is known as Ambubachi Day. Ambubachi is a yearly gathering in Guwahati, Assam, in the Kamakhya Devi temple during monsoon season. It is...
Maha Bheda

Maha Bheda

Maha Bheda is the 7th Kriya in this series of 20 Tantric Kriyas. Maha means “great,” and bheda is “separating” or “piercing”.  According to the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, maha bheda helps us to pierce through the individual level of consciousness for each chakra. You can...
Maha Mudra

Maha Mudra

Maha Mudra is the 6th Kriya in this series of 20 Tantric Kriyas. Maha means “great,” and mudra is “seal.” According to the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, maha mudra destroys our sufferings from the obstacles we encounter on the path to enlightenment. Classically, Maha Mudra is...
Shabda Sanchalan

Shabda Sanchalan

Shabda Sanchalan is the 5th of this series of Tantric Kriyas, and incorporates the sacred Ajapa Gayatri Mantra, “So Ham”. This mantra is always on our breath, and if you listen carefully as you breathe you will hear the subtle sounds; with each inhalation listen to...
Pavana Sanchalana

Pavana Sanchalana

The 20 Tantric Kriyas as explained in Letters from the Yoga Masters, are beautifully meditative and progressive. Pavana Sanchalana brings us to the next progression following Nada Sanchalan. Pavana relates to the movement of wind or air. Here we have a rotation of...