by Mugs McConnell | Oct 6, 2021 | Meditation and Pranayama
Shambhavi Mudra is the 12th Kriya in this series of 20 Tantric Kriyas. Shambhavi Mudra is first described in Letters from the Yoga Masters on page 132. It teaches how to focus the eyes softly to the mid brow area. Here we can build on that technique as part of these...
by Mugs McConnell | Sep 9, 2021 | Meditation and Pranayama, Musings From Mugs
Shakti Chalani Kriya is the 11th Kriya in this series of 20 Tantric Kriyas. Shakti means “energy” and Chalani means “to churn”. This kriya facilitates the rotation of Shakti, the feminine or Kundalini Energy within us. Shakti Chalani is a name given for yogic...
by Mugs McConnell | Aug 7, 2021 | Meditation and Pranayama, Musings From Mugs
Naumukhi Mudra is the 10th Kriya in this series of 20 Tantric Kriyas This is the first of the Dharana Kriyas, focussing on concentration. I particularly enjoy this practice as a meditation just on its own. It reminds me of an incredible experience I had when my Mantra...
by Mugs McConnell | Jul 2, 2021 | Meditation and Pranayama, Musings From Mugs
Tadan Kriya is the 9th Kriya in this series of 20 Tantric Kriyas. This is the last of the 9 Pratyahara Kriyas. After this kriya we move into the Dharana Kriyas. Tadan means “to beat.” This kriya is very similar to Maha Vedha mudra as found on pages 122-123 in Letters...
by Mugs McConnell | Jun 2, 2021 | Meditation and Pranayama
Manduki Kriya is the 8th Kriya in this series of 20 Tantric Kriyas. Manduki means “frog,” and kriya is “spiritual action or work.” This kriya takes us from the gross or physical sense of smell to the subtle essence of scent which emanates from the astral body. This...
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